Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

HSAs are set to become even more attractive for individuals and families in 2024, as contribution limits are on the rise. These tax-advantaged accounts, designed to help people save for medical expenses, will allow individuals to set aside more money for their healthcare needs in the coming year.

Starting in 2024, the HSA contribution limit for an individual will increase to $4,150, up from the previous limit of $3,850 in 2023. For those with family HSAs, the maximum contribution limit is increasing to $8,300, up from $7,750 in 2023. This adjustment is expected to have a positive impact on those looking to save for medical expenses and reduce their taxable income.

Blue lockbox to depict a health savings account with a medical symbol on the front with an opening in the top, like a piggy bank. An arm is dropping money into the slot.

HSA advantages

Health Savings Accounts offer advantages such as tax deductions on contributions, tax-free growth, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses. These accounts have become increasingly popular as people seek ways to manage their healthcare costs and prepare for future medical needs. The increase in contribution limits provides an opportunity for individuals and families to save even more, while also reducing their overall tax liability.

For individuals, the $300 increase in the contribution limit for 2024 allows for additional savings, which can be especially beneficial for those with high deductible health plans. Similarly, families looking to cover their healthcare expenses can take advantage of the $550 increase in the family HSA contribution limit.

It’s imperative to note that these changes make HSAs an even more valuable financial tool for those who want to manage their healthcare expenses efficiently. Whether it’s for immediate medical needs or for saving for future healthcare costs, these new contribution limits provide flexibility and financial security for those who choose to utilize them. 



When do the HSA contribution limits increase for 2024?

The HSA contribution limits will increase for 2024.

What are the new HSA contribution limits for 2024?

In 2024, the HSA contribution limit for individuals will be $4,150, and for family HSAs, it will be $8,300.

What were the HSA contribution limits for 2023?

In 2023, the HSA contribution limit for individuals was $3,850, and for family HSAs, it was $7,750.

What are the benefits of contributing to an HSA?

HSAs offer tax deductions on contributions, tax-free growth, and tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses, making them a valuable tool for healthcare cost management.

How can these increased contribution limits benefit individuals and families?

The higher contribution limits provide the opportunity to save more for healthcare expenses while reducing overall tax liability, which is especially important as healthcare costs continue to rise.

Is there a deadline to make HSA contributions for the year 2024?

Typically, HSA contributions for a tax year can be made until the tax filing deadline for that year, which is usually April 15th of the following year. However, it’s essential to check with your HSA provider for specific details.